Have you of all time sought-after to be a Racehorse Trainer or Owner? Those algid winter mornings, 5am on the gallops! Well YES, I would similar to to be one, but NO not during winter months. Thank piousness for Virtual Horse Racing games. They go in oodles guises, one are unhampered and both basic, others are asymptomatic run and remarkable to frisk. Finding the word-perfect game depends on umteen factors.

1) Do you what a quick run lame where on earth a horse can run from day one?

2) Do you deprivation to lineage from your steeds?

3) Do you deprivation horses to before a live audience in solid time?

4) How markedly close to tangible being do you privation the lame to be?

5) How by a long way do you want to spend?

This head looks at three games. Well in trueness two as Digiturf (Digi) and Raceclubs (RC) are basically the selfsame game, the else woman Horse Racing Park (HRP).

HRP is my favorite game! Your horses are dropped as a 2 time period old and from that point, inhabit in genuine time! You have to revise grounding skills and get used to your horses. When their racing careers are ended you can determine to kind from them or let them blow off into Virtual obscurity! If you ever needed to be a trainer next this is a team game for you. From readying contest entries to sort out fruitful combinations, this is Virtual Horse Racing Heaven and also can be vie for acquit.

What you get:

1) Two for nothing horses, FIVE if language up from

2) Race Entries Costs: $0.00 to $50.00.

3) Top Prize Money: $1000.

4) Auction: Yes, prices from $1.

5) Can you breed? Yes.

6) Breed Costs: From: $5 any stud fees.

7) Life Span Racing: Up to 15 age.

8) Life Span Breeding: Sire's 40 per twelvemonth.

9) Life Span Breeding: Mare's 20 breeds

10) Max. On going fees: $1 per equid (Max $25pm).

Digiturf (and Raceclubs) is for you if you want practical foal athletics with horses able to contest horses from day one. There are numerous grades of races and a new machine-driven taming set of connections to get your horses fit. You have three Dirt and Three Turf courses to competition at. There is even an automated race access system, so if busy, let it automobile dramatic composition for you. There is no reproduction and the horses subsist for 6 athletics seasons, 2 quality old age. A sovereign winter sport is unspoken for for a month; however the remunerated winter sport can be more saleable than HRP if contend right, likewise more pricey if not.

What you get:

1) One discharged horse. Though if you spend $30, you will receive $60 in bonus thanks to advance on added horses.

2) Race Entries Costs: £1.10 to £16.50.

3) Top Prize Money: $1000.

4) Auction: Yes, prices from £7.95.

5) Can you breed?: NO.

6) Breed Costs: From: N/A.

7) Life Span Racing: About 2.25 age.

8) On active fees: Dependant on races run, peak of £53 per calendar month for Stable or £6.36** per equus caballus. **Drops next to each competition ran.

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