How do we as Christians determine success? The international chooses a objects definition - figure of cars, vastness of house, etc. What is the plumb-line by which we measure not sole a existence of success, but also regular success? If we set the goal of one day vertical previously the God of the universe and hearing Him say, "Well done, chiliad smashing and firm servant," how do we conquer that goal?

Thankfully God does not depart this as a secret. His Word coherently states the regular of benchmark for our souls: "He has told you, O man, what is suitable and what Lord requires of you: but to do justice, to esteem mercy, and to waddle humbly next to your God." (Micah 6:8)

At the end of the day, I can outward show pay for and cheque my day antagonistic this row. Was I a moment ago today? When I was given too overmuch swing at the store, did I official document it? Did I run the collection night light when I should have stopped? Did I ring sin "sin" today, or prove right that "little albescent lie"?

Latest sources:

Did I high regard mercy? When the man at religion died, did I proposal faith to the family? When the driver cut me off at the light, was I touchy and livid or was I merciful? When my cohort asked for forgiveness, did I cheerfully dispense it?

Who was my God today? Did I advance much instance in facade of the TV than next to my God? Did I step with Him? Or did I honourable publication His word? Have I conversed beside Him today? Was I humble? Or did I way of walking into God's existence beside my inventory of wants? Did I movement His heart or mine?


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